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Stacking Cards with GSAP & Elementor – Tutorial

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Stacking Cards – Elementor and GSAP

In this tutorial, we are learning how to create stacking cards with Elementor and GSAP. If you watch the video, you will find simple stacking cards effect without offset. So, if you wish to learn about simple stacking cards, you can watch the first part of the video. The 2nd and 3rd part uses the below code, that makes the previous cards scale down and also lowers opacity.

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Efficient Workflow Solutions

Streamline your business operations with our efficient workflow solutions. From seamless task management to optimized processes, enhance productivity and achieve your business goals effortlessly.

Client-Centric Interaction

Streamline your business operations with our efficient workflow solutions. From seamless task management to optimized processes, enhance productivity and achieve your business goals effortlessly.

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Streamline your business operations with our efficient workflow solutions. From seamless task management to optimized processes, enhance productivity and achieve your business goals effortlessly.

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Streamline your business operations with our efficient workflow solutions. From seamless task management to optimized processes, enhance productivity and achieve your business goals effortlessly.

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Version 1 – Stacking Cards with No constant scale down – Elementor & GSAP

  1. All the card containers need to be given the CSS class – dm-gsap-cards.
  2. The last card container should also be given extra CSS class – dm-gsap-cards-end. (Simply add space to add multiple CSS class)
  3. You can remove the scale or opacity parameter in below GSAP if you don’t want them. Also, you can add your own effects if you know CSS and GSAP.
  4. The stacking would work perfectly till 10 cards, as the scale value and opacity value decreases 0.1 for each lower card. You can still test out more than 10 cards and see if you like it.
					<script src="" integrity="sha512-7eHRwcbYkK4d9g/6tD/mhkf++eoTHwpNM9woBxtPUBWm67zeAfFC+HrdoE2GanKeocly/VxeLvIqwvCdk7qScg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-onMTRKJBKz8M1TnqqDuGBlowlH0ohFzMXYRNebz+yOcc5TQr/zAKsthzhuv0hiyUKEiQEQXEynnXCvNTOk50dg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

    .dm-gsap-cards {
        transition: opacity 0.3s !important;


 window.addEventListener("load", () => {

const dmGsapCards = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-gsap-cards');
 const dmCardsLength = dmGsapCards.length; 
 dmGsapCards.forEach((dmElement, index) => {
    const dmCardsOffset = -15 * (index + 1);
    const scaleValue = (100 - dmCardsLength) / 100 + ((index + 1) * 0.01); // Incremental scale value
    const opacityValue = (1 - dmGsapCards.length/10) + ((index + 1) * 0.1);
, {
        scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: dmElement,
            endTrigger: '.dm-gsap-cards-end',
            start: `0%+=${dmCardsOffset}px 15%`,
            end: '0% 15%',
            pin: true,
            scrub: true,
            markers: false

    if (index < dmGsapCards.length - 1) {
        const nextElement = dmGsapCards[index + 1];, {
            scrollTrigger: {
                trigger: nextElement,
                start: '50% 50%',
                end: '50% 50%',
                markers: false,
                onEnter: () => {
          , { opacity: opacityValue, scale: scaleValue, duration: 0.5, transformOrigin: 'top center'});
                onLeaveBack: () => {
          , { opacity: 1, scale: 1, duration: 0.5 });


Version 2 – Stacking Cards with Constant scale down – Elementor & GSAP

  1. All the card containers need to be given the CSS class – dm-stack-cards.
  2. The containers are made sticky using position sticky CSS and top:15vh offset has been given. Ideally you want your cards to use vh, so that you can add top offset in vh to make it center responsively. If you wish to use px, rem, %, you are free to do so.
  3. We use nth-child(2,3,4,….), to add translate property for the offset effect. Also make sure parent container has gap:0. Simply change translateY value with equal difference between each nth-child to add more offset between cards.
  4. The stacking would work perfectly till 10 cards, as the scale value and opacity value decreases 0.1 for each lower card. You can still test out more than 10 cards and see if you like it.
					<script src="" integrity="sha512-7eHRwcbYkK4d9g/6tD/mhkf++eoTHwpNM9woBxtPUBWm67zeAfFC+HrdoE2GanKeocly/VxeLvIqwvCdk7qScg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-onMTRKJBKz8M1TnqqDuGBlowlH0ohFzMXYRNebz+yOcc5TQr/zAKsthzhuv0hiyUKEiQEQXEynnXCvNTOk50dg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>


    .dm-stack-cards {
    top: 15vh;
    position: sticky;
    transform-origin: 'top center';

    .dm-stack-cards:nth-child(2) {
        transform: translateY(20px);

    .dm-stack-cards:nth-child(3) {
        transform: translateY(40px);

    .dm-stack-cards:nth-child(4) {
        transform: translateY(60px);
    .dm-stack-cards:nth-child(5) {
        transform: translateY(80px);

window.addEventListener("load", () => {
    const dmStackCards = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-stack-cards');
    const dmStackCardsLength = dmStackCards.length;
    dmStackCards.forEach((dmStackCard, index) => {
        const nextCard = dmStackCards[index + 1];
        const lastCard = dmStackCards[dmStackCards.length - 1];

    if (nextCard) {  // Ensure there is a nextCard before setting up the animation
        const scaleOrderValue = (100 - dmStackCards.length) / 100 + ((index + 1) * 0.01);
        const opacityOrderValue = (1 - dmStackCards.length/10) + ((index + 1) * 0.1);, {
            scrollTrigger: {
                trigger: nextCard,
                endTrigger: lastCard,
                start: `0% 50%`,
                end: '100% 50%',
                scrub: true,
                invalidateOnRefresh: true,
                markers: false
            scale: scaleOrderValue,
            opacity: opacityOrderValue

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