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Photo Collage Gallery Reveal – Elementor and GSAP Tutorial

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Animated Photo Collage Gallery Reveal based on scroll – Elementor & GSAP code (v1)

  1. dm-scroll-reveal-image-wrapper is the CSS class of the container that has all the images. Ideally, it should be 100vh height.
  2. dm-scroll-reveal-image is the CSS class of the images that need to show when scrolling down.
  3. The images are given position absolute and rotate value. (In this case we do it via Elementor editor, but you can do it via code too)
  4. In below code, change 1000% in end:’1000% 50%’ to your desired value to change the amount of scroll needed.
  5. Make markers:true to see it better and then make it false after all changes are done.
  6. rotate:’50deg’ is used to add rotation to images, you can change this value to your desired angle.
					<script src="" integrity="sha512-7eHRwcbYkK4d9g/6tD/mhkf++eoTHwpNM9woBxtPUBWm67zeAfFC+HrdoE2GanKeocly/VxeLvIqwvCdk7qScg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

<script src="" integrity="sha512-onMTRKJBKz8M1TnqqDuGBlowlH0ohFzMXYRNebz+yOcc5TQr/zAKsthzhuv0hiyUKEiQEQXEynnXCvNTOk50dg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>


   .dm-scroll-reveal-image, .dm-scroll-reveal-image-wrapper {
       transition: none !important;


const dmScrollRevealImage = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-scroll-reveal-image');

const dmScrollRevealTimeline = gsap.timeline({
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: '.dm-scroll-reveal-image-wrapper',
    start: '50% 50%',
    end: '1000% 50%',
    scrub: true,
    pin: true,
    markers: false

dmScrollRevealImage.forEach((image, index) => {
  dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(image, {
    y: '120vh',
    rotate: '50deg',
    ease: "power4.out",
    duration: 1
  }, `-=0.5`); // Starts half a second before the previous animation ends


Animated Photo Collage Gallery Reveal based on scroll – Elementor & GSAP code (v2)

  1. dm-scroll-reveal-image-wrapper is the CSS class of the container that has all the images. Ideally, it should be 100vh height.
  2. dm-scroll-reveal-image is the CSS class of the images that need to show when scrolling down.
  3. The images are given position absolute and rotate value. (In this case we do it via Elementor editor, but you can do it via code too)
  4. In below code, change end value “300%” in end: ‘300% 50%’ to your desired value to increase/decrease amount of scrolling needed.
  5.  After all changes make markers:false to hide the markers on screen.
  6.  We have used array to control each image individually. Example in below code – dmScrollRevealImage[0] is the first image, dmScrollRevealImage[1] is the second image and so on.
  7. This allows us to use different y value and rotate value for each individual image.
  8. To add images, simply copy code from line 74 to 79 below and increase the array number (6 in this case) in dmScrollRevealImage[6] ,
  9. Important: In this code, I have used y:1000, y:1200 and so on, it basically moves the image 1000px below original location. I would recommend using y:’120vh’, y:’130vh’, and so on for better responsiveness. vh is basically viewport height, you can think of it as % in height. Using this makes sure that the images are always starting from outside the screen. If you use px, then in some vertical screens, it will be visible before even scrolling. I have added comments showing where to add vh values, it’s your choice whether to use it or not. You can check above youtube video at 13:45 to understand it better.
					<script src="" integrity="sha512-7eHRwcbYkK4d9g/6tD/mhkf++eoTHwpNM9woBxtPUBWm67zeAfFC+HrdoE2GanKeocly/VxeLvIqwvCdk7qScg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

<script src="" integrity="sha512-onMTRKJBKz8M1TnqqDuGBlowlH0ohFzMXYRNebz+yOcc5TQr/zAKsthzhuv0hiyUKEiQEQXEynnXCvNTOk50dg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>


   .dm-scroll-reveal-image, .dm-scroll-reveal-image-wrapper {
       transition: none !important;


const dmScrollRevealImage = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-scroll-reveal-image');

const dmScrollRevealTimeline = gsap.timeline({
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: '.dm-scroll-reveal-image-wrapper',
    start: '50% 50%',
    end: '300% 50%',
    scrub: true,
    pin: true,
    markers: true

// Add animations to the timeline with overlapping
dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[0], {
  y: 1000, // Use y: '120vh', for better responsiveness
  rotate: '50deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1 // You can adjust the duration as needed
}, '0'); // Starts at the beginning of the timeline

dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[1], {
  y: 1200, // Use y: '140vh', for better responsiveness
  rotate: '0deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1
}, '-=0.5'); // Starts half a second before the previous animation ends

dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[2], {
  y: 1700,// Use y: '160vh', make sure to use vh instead of px for better responsiveness
  rotate: '150deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1
}, '-=0.5'); // Overlaps by half a second

dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[3], {
  y: 1900,
  rotate: '100deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1
}, '-=0.5'); // Overlaps by half a second

dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[4], {
  y: 2200,
  rotate: '120deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1
}, '-=0.5'); // Overlaps by half a second

dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[5], {
  y: 2500,
  rotate: '50deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1
}, '-=0.5'); // Overlaps by half a second

dmScrollRevealTimeline.from(dmScrollRevealImage[6], {
  y: 2700,
  rotate: '50deg',
  ease: "power4.out",
  duration: 1
}, '-=0.5'); // Overlaps by half a second


Add Smooth Scroll for better effect

The below code is used to add smooth scrolling with lenis js. You can use any other plugin too.

					<script src=""></script>

const lenis = new Lenis({
  duration: 1.2,
  easing: (t) => Math.min(1, 1.001 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t)), //
  direction: 'vertical', // vertical, horizontal
  gestureDirection: 'vertical', // vertical, horizontal, both
  smooth: true,
  mouseMultiplier: 1,
  smoothTouch: false,
  touchMultiplier: 2,
  infinite: false,

//get scroll value
lenis.on('scroll', ({ scroll, limit, velocity, direction, progress }) => {

function raf(time) {



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