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Interactive Gravity Falling Elements – Elementor & Matter JS Tutorial

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Interactive Physics Elements with Falling Elements – Matter JS

The following code allows you to create a collision box that contains all the interactive elements. The below code is limited to 3 shapes, i.e Rectangle, Pill Shape & Circle. As of now, if the elements are moved too fast they can be thrown outside the box, that is because of the processing limit and can be changed to improve collision. Increasing that limit might also make browser use more processing power which is not really ideal for a simple website. Make sure all elements are position – absolute and make sure the Box has overflow-hidden.

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CSS, Javascript & Matter JS code

  1. matter-box is the CSS class of the container that contains all the physics elements.
  2. dm-matter-elem is the CSS class of the elements that have rectangle collision box.
  3. dm-matter-elem-circle is the CSS class of the elements that have circle collision box.
  4. dm-matter-elem-pill is the CSS class of elements that have a pill shape collision box.
  5. opacity is set to 0 for the matter js generated elements.
  6. restitution controls the bounciness of the elements. More is higher bounciness. 
  7. The simulation will only start if the box gets in viewport, if you don’t want this feature then use the 2nd code below or watch the video above(@12:53 time).
					<script src=""></script>

    .dm-matter-elem, .dm-matter-elem-circle, .dm-matter-elem-pill {
        pointer-events: none;
        white-space: nowrap;

// module aliases
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
    Render = Matter.Render,
    Runner = Matter.Runner,
    Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
    Composite = Matter.Composite,
    MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint,
    Mouse = Matter.Mouse,
    Events = Matter.Events,
    Body = Matter.Body;

// create an engine
var engine = Engine.create();

// select the element where you want to render the simulation
var matterBox = document.querySelector('.matter-box');

// create a renderer
var render = Render.create({
    element: matterBox,
    engine: engine,
    options: {
        width: matterBox.clientWidth,
        height: matterBox.clientHeight,
        wireframes: false,
        background: 'transparent'

var matterElems = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-matter-elem');
var matterCircle = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-matter-elem-circle');
var matterPill = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-matter-elem-pill');

// Function to create rectangles for dm-matter-elem elements
function createRectangles() {
    return Array.from(matterElems).map(function(matterElem) {
        var elemWidth = matterElem.offsetWidth;
        var elemHeight = matterElem.offsetHeight;
        var elemPosX = matterElem.offsetLeft + elemWidth / 2;
        var elemPosY = matterElem.offsetTop + elemHeight / 2;

        var elemBody = Bodies.rectangle(elemPosX, elemPosY, elemWidth, elemHeight, {
            density: 0.01, 
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        Composite.add(, elemBody);
        return elemBody;

// Function to create circles for dm-matter-elem-circle elements
function createCircles() {
    return Array.from(matterCircle).map(function(matterCircleElem) {
        var circleElemWidth = matterCircleElem.offsetWidth;
        var circleElemHeight = matterCircleElem.offsetHeight;
        var circleElemPosX = matterCircleElem.offsetLeft + circleElemWidth / 2;
        var circleElemPosY = matterCircleElem.offsetTop + circleElemHeight / 2;

        var circleBody =, circleElemPosY, Math.max(circleElemWidth, circleElemHeight) / 2, {
            density: 0.01, 
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        Composite.add(, circleBody);
        return circleBody;

// Function to create pill shapes for dm-matter-elem-pill elements
function createPills() {
    return Array.from(matterPill).map(function(matterPillElem) {
        var pillWidth = matterPillElem.offsetWidth;
        var pillHeight = matterPillElem.offsetHeight;
        var pillPosX = matterPillElem.offsetLeft + pillWidth / 2;
        var pillPosY = matterPillElem.offsetTop + pillHeight / 2;
        var pillRadius = pillHeight / 2;

        var leftCircle = - pillWidth / 2 + pillRadius, pillPosY, pillRadius, {
            density: 0.01,
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        var rightCircle = + pillWidth / 2 - pillRadius, pillPosY, pillRadius, {
            density: 0.01,
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        var rect = Bodies.rectangle(pillPosX, pillPosY, pillWidth - pillHeight, pillHeight, {
            density: 0.01,
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        var pillBody = Body.create({
            parts: [leftCircle, rightCircle, rect],
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5

        Composite.add(, pillBody);
        return pillBody;

// create bodies for elements
var elemBodies = createRectangles();
var elemCircles = createCircles();
var elemPills = createPills();

// Function to create static bodies for boundaries
function createBoundaries() {
    var ground = Bodies.rectangle(matterBox.clientWidth / 2, matterBox.clientHeight, matterBox.clientWidth, 1, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    var leftWall = Bodies.rectangle(0, matterBox.clientHeight / 2, 1, matterBox.clientHeight, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    var rightWall = Bodies.rectangle(matterBox.clientWidth, matterBox.clientHeight / 2, 1, matterBox.clientHeight, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    var topWall = Bodies.rectangle(matterBox.clientWidth / 2, 0, matterBox.clientWidth, 1, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    // add all of the bodies to the world
    Composite.add(, [ground, leftWall, rightWall, topWall]);


// create runner
var runner = Runner.create();

// add mouse control
var mouse = Mouse.create(render.canvas),
    mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(engine, {
        mouse: mouse,
        constraint: {
            stiffness: 0.2,
            render: {
                visible: false

Composite.add(, mouseConstraint);

// keep the mouse in sync with rendering
render.mouse = mouse;

// update positions and rotations after every engine update
Events.on(engine, 'afterUpdate', function() {
    elemBodies.forEach(function(elemBody, index) {
        var angle = elemBody.angle;
        var position = elemBody.position;
        var matterElem = matterElems[index]; = (position.x - matterElem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (position.y - matterElem.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; = 'rotate(' + angle + 'rad)';

    elemCircles.forEach(function(circleBody, index) {
        var angle = circleBody.angle;
        var position = circleBody.position;
        var matterCircleElem = matterCircle[index]; = (position.x - matterCircleElem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (position.y - matterCircleElem.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; = 'rotate(' + angle + 'rad)';

    elemPills.forEach(function(pillBody, index) {
        var angle = pillBody.angle;
        var position = pillBody.position;
        var matterPillElem = matterPill[index]; = (position.x - matterPillElem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (position.y - matterPillElem.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; = 'rotate(' + angle + 'rad)';

// Function to handle resize event
function handleResize() {
    // Clear the existing bodies
    Composite.clear(, false);

    // Recreate boundaries and bodies
    elemBodies = createRectangles();
    elemCircles = createCircles();
    elemPills = createPills();

    // Update the renderer size
    render.options.width = matterBox.clientWidth;
    render.options.height = matterBox.clientHeight;

    // Update mouse constraint
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);

    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown);
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousemove);
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchend', mouseConstraint.mouse.mouseup);

    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown, { passive: true });
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
        if (mouseConstraint.body) {
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {
        if (mouseConstraint.body) {

// Add resize event listener
window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);

// Allow scrolling when mouse is on matter container
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);

// Allow swiping on touch-screen when in touch with the matter container
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown);
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousemove);
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchend', mouseConstraint.mouse.mouseup);

mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown, { passive: true });
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
  if (mouseConstraint.body) {
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {
  if (mouseConstraint.body) {

// Flag to check if the engine has started
var engineStarted = false;

// Intersection Observer to start the engine only once
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
    entries.forEach(function(entry) {
        if (entry.isIntersecting && !engineStarted) {
            // Element is in viewport and engine has not started yet
            engineStarted = true;
  , engine);
}, {
    threshold: 0.1 // Adjust the threshold as needed

// Start observing the matterBox



Version 2 – Makes the physics engine start even if it isn’t in viewport

					<script src=""></script>

    .dm-matter-elem, .dm-matter-elem-circle, .dm-matter-elem-pill {
        pointer-events: none;
        white-space: nowrap;

// module aliases
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
    Render = Matter.Render,
    Runner = Matter.Runner,
    Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
    Composite = Matter.Composite,
    MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint,
    Mouse = Matter.Mouse,
    Events = Matter.Events,
    Body = Matter.Body;

// create an engine
var engine = Engine.create();

// select the element where you want to render the simulation
var matterBox = document.querySelector('.matter-box');

// create a renderer
var render = Render.create({
    element: matterBox,
    engine: engine,
    options: {
        width: matterBox.clientWidth,
        height: matterBox.clientHeight,
        wireframes: false,
        background: 'transparent'

var matterElems = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-matter-elem');
var matterCircle = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-matter-elem-circle');
var matterPill = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-matter-elem-pill');

// Function to create rectangles for dm-matter-elem elements
function createRectangles() {
    return Array.from(matterElems).map(function(matterElem) {
        var elemWidth = matterElem.offsetWidth;
        var elemHeight = matterElem.offsetHeight;
        var elemPosX = matterElem.offsetLeft + elemWidth / 2;
        var elemPosY = matterElem.offsetTop + elemHeight / 2;

        var elemBody = Bodies.rectangle(elemPosX, elemPosY, elemWidth, elemHeight, {
            density: 0.01, 
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        Composite.add(, elemBody);
        return elemBody;

// Function to create circles for dm-matter-elem-circle elements
function createCircles() {
    return Array.from(matterCircle).map(function(matterCircleElem) {
        var circleElemWidth = matterCircleElem.offsetWidth;
        var circleElemHeight = matterCircleElem.offsetHeight;
        var circleElemPosX = matterCircleElem.offsetLeft + circleElemWidth / 2;
        var circleElemPosY = matterCircleElem.offsetTop + circleElemHeight / 2;

        var circleBody =, circleElemPosY, Math.max(circleElemWidth, circleElemHeight) / 2, {
            density: 0.01, 
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        Composite.add(, circleBody);
        return circleBody;

// Function to create pill shapes for dm-matter-elem-pill elements
function createPills() {
    return Array.from(matterPill).map(function(matterPillElem) {
        var pillWidth = matterPillElem.offsetWidth;
        var pillHeight = matterPillElem.offsetHeight;
        var pillPosX = matterPillElem.offsetLeft + pillWidth / 2;
        var pillPosY = matterPillElem.offsetTop + pillHeight / 2;
        var pillRadius = pillHeight / 2;

        var leftCircle = - pillWidth / 2 + pillRadius, pillPosY, pillRadius, {
            density: 0.01,
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        var rightCircle = + pillWidth / 2 - pillRadius, pillPosY, pillRadius, {
            density: 0.01,
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        var rect = Bodies.rectangle(pillPosX, pillPosY, pillWidth - pillHeight, pillHeight, {
            density: 0.01,
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5,
            render: {
                opacity: 0

        var pillBody = Body.create({
            parts: [leftCircle, rightCircle, rect],
            friction: 0.1,
            restitution: 0.5

        Composite.add(, pillBody);
        return pillBody;

// create bodies for elements
var elemBodies = createRectangles();
var elemCircles = createCircles();
var elemPills = createPills();

// Function to create static bodies for boundaries
function createBoundaries() {
    var ground = Bodies.rectangle(matterBox.clientWidth / 2, matterBox.clientHeight, matterBox.clientWidth, 1, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    var leftWall = Bodies.rectangle(0, matterBox.clientHeight / 2, 1, matterBox.clientHeight, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    var rightWall = Bodies.rectangle(matterBox.clientWidth, matterBox.clientHeight / 2, 1, matterBox.clientHeight, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    var topWall = Bodies.rectangle(matterBox.clientWidth / 2, 0, matterBox.clientWidth, 1, {
        isStatic: true,
        render: {
            opacity: 0

    // add all of the bodies to the world
    Composite.add(, [ground, leftWall, rightWall, topWall]);


// create runner
var runner = Runner.create();, engine);;

// add mouse control
var mouse = Mouse.create(render.canvas),
    mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(engine, {
        mouse: mouse,
        constraint: {
            stiffness: 0.2,
            render: {
                visible: false

Composite.add(, mouseConstraint);

// keep the mouse in sync with rendering
render.mouse = mouse;

// update positions and rotations after every engine update
Events.on(engine, 'afterUpdate', function() {
    elemBodies.forEach(function(elemBody, index) {
        var angle = elemBody.angle;
        var position = elemBody.position;
        var matterElem = matterElems[index]; = (position.x - matterElem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (position.y - matterElem.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; = 'rotate(' + angle + 'rad)';

    elemCircles.forEach(function(circleBody, index) {
        var angle = circleBody.angle;
        var position = circleBody.position;
        var matterCircleElem = matterCircle[index]; = (position.x - matterCircleElem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (position.y - matterCircleElem.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; = 'rotate(' + angle + 'rad)';

    elemPills.forEach(function(pillBody, index) {
        var angle = pillBody.angle;
        var position = pillBody.position;
        var matterPillElem = matterPill[index]; = (position.x - matterPillElem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (position.y - matterPillElem.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; = 'rotate(' + angle + 'rad)';

// Function to handle resize event
function handleResize() {
    // Clear the existing bodies
    Composite.clear(, false);

    // Recreate boundaries and bodies
    elemBodies = createRectangles();
    elemCircles = createCircles();
    elemPills = createPills();

    // Update the renderer size
    render.options.width = matterBox.clientWidth;
    render.options.height = matterBox.clientHeight;

    // Update mouse constraint
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);

    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown);
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousemove);
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchend', mouseConstraint.mouse.mouseup);

    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown, { passive: true });
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
        if (mouseConstraint.body) {
    mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {
        if (mouseConstraint.body) {

// Add resize event listener
window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);

// Allow scrolling when mouse is on matter container
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", mouseConstraint.mouse.mousewheel);

// Allow swiping on touch-screen when in touch with the matter container
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown);
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousemove);
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.removeEventListener('touchend', mouseConstraint.mouse.mouseup);

mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseConstraint.mouse.mousedown, { passive: true });
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
  if (mouseConstraint.body) {
mouseConstraint.mouse.element.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {
  if (mouseConstraint.body) {



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