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Hover Focus Effect on Any Elements – Elementor & Javascript(JS)

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Make Elements look Inactive when Hovered on Active Elements – Javascript & CSS

With the below code, you can make any element look focused when hovered on it while making non-hovered element look inactive or non-focused. It works on anything you want – Text, Images, Containers, any CSS property that can be added.


CSS and Javascript Code for Text

  1. dm-hover-text is the CSS class given to elements that require hover focus effect.
  2. dm-hover-text.inactive contains the styling for the inactive or non-hovered items.
  3. You can add any CSS styling in inactive state, example: blur, grayscale, scale, opacity, translate etc.
  4. If you have multiple groups of items that require this effect, check below to know what to change in code.

     .dm-hover-text {
        transition: 0.3s ease-in-out;

const dmHoverText = document.querySelectorAll('.dm-hover-text');

dmHoverText.forEach((dmHover) => {
    	dmHover.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {	
    	dmHoverText.forEach((dmHoverItem) => {
    	dmHover.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {	
	dmHoverText.forEach((dmHoverItem) => {

Adding Effect to New Groups

  1. Replace the colored names with your desired name.
  2. Make sure the names are same at the places with same colors.
  3. The red text .dm-hover-text is the CSS class of the items that require this effect, so make sure your items also have same class.
  4. Warning: If you tried to use Notepad or Text editor app to replace all text at once, there might be some conflicts. Example: If you tried to change the GREEN text “dmHover”, the text editor might replace the text dmHover from dmHoverText, dmHoverItem.
Highlight Element On hover Elementor Javascript JS

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