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Introduction – We make 10 Animated Preloaders for Elementor that use GSAP and PACE JS
In this tutorial, we are learning to make preloaders for your website that look clean and also keep user retention until the page loads. Only use preloaders if necessary. Please watch above tutorial for atleast the first preloader, as I get into details of how the code works and you can translate the knowledge you gained there to any of the rest 9 preloaders.
Most of the preloaders here have 2 variables, isGsapFinished & isProgressFinished. These are set false by default, as soon as GSAP animation is completed we set isGsapFinished to True and as soon as page is loaded we set isProgressFinished to true. This makes sure that the preloader is only hidden, if both animation & page load is completed.
If you wish to hide the preloader even if the animation is not completed and only page is loaded, then set the “isGsapFinished = false” to “isGsapFinished = true“.
#1 – Simple Preloader
- dm-preloader-1 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-text-1 is the CSS class of text. (Select HTML tag as span)
- dm-preloader-bar-1 is the CSS class of the progress bar container.
- dm-preloader-counter is the CSS class of the counter heading widget. (Select HTML tag as p)
#2 – Sling Text Preloader
- dm-preloader-2 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-text-2 is the CSS class of text. (Select HTML tag as p)
- dm-preloader-bar-2is the CSS class of the progress bar container.
- dm-preloader-element-2 is the CSS class of the final element, we have used image in template and tutorial above.
- dm-preloader-counter-2 is the CSS class of the counter heading widget. (Select HTML tag as p)
#3 – Color Text Reveal Preloader
- dm-preloader-3 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-empty-text-3 is the CSS class of the first text, also make its color to transparent. You can type an random word there, like “Transparent”.
- dm-preloader-text-3 is the CSS class of all texts except the last one. (Select HTML tag as p)
- dm-preloader-bar-3is the CSS class of the progress bar container.
- dm-preloader-element-3 is the CSS class of the final text.
- dm-preloader-counter-3 is the CSS class of the counter heading widget. (Select HTML tag as p)
- Change the text “black” in all linear-gradients below to choose your custom color.
#4 – Counter Fill Preloader
- dm-preloader-4 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-counter-4 is the CSS class of the counter heading widget. (Select HTML tag as p)
- Change the text “white” in –dm-counter-color-4: white to choose you desired fill color.
#5 – Logo With Tagline Reveal Preloader
- dm-preloader-5 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-5-color2 is the CSS class of the 2nd color container that shows on exit animation. Make it 100dvh too.
- dm-preloader-5-content is the CSS class of the container that has both logo image and the tagline container.
- dm-preloader-5-logo is the CSS class of the image widget that has our logo.
- dm-preloader-5-tagline is the CSS class of the heading widget inside the tagline container. Make sure to give tagline container overflow:hidden.
- dm-preloader-counter-5 is the CSS class of the counter heading widget. (Select HTML tag as p)
- dm-preloader-bar-5 is the CSS class of the progress bar container.
#6 – Images Reveal Preloader
- dm-preloader-6 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-6-text is the CSS class of the heading text. (Select HTML tag as p)
- dm-preloader-bar-wrapper-6 is the CSS class of the MAIN preloader container. I have given it position absolute, bottom offset is calc(50% – 30px)
- dm-preloader-bar-6 is the CSS class of the preloader bar container.
- dm-preloader-6-image is the CSS class of all the image containers. Alternate containers will reveal by top and bottom.
- dm-preloader-counter-6 is the CSS class of the counter heading widget. (Select HTML tag as p)
#7 – Radial Ripple Color Preloader
- dm-preloader-7 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-7-content is the CSS class of the container that contains all our elements.
- dm-progress-circle-7 is the CSS class of the radial progress circle container that is inside dm-preloader-7-content container. Make sure to give it position absolute, height 100% and also make padding to 0.
- dm-preloader-image-7 is the CSS class of the logo image.
- –ripplecolor – Add your own ripple color here, use RGBA and make the last A value to your desired opacity.
- –rippleendcolor – Make this same as above color but make the last value, i.e A to 0.
- You can easily change ripple speed by changing the “2s” to your desired value in the animation property in the code.
- In the code below, in script section, you can choose the trail color, color and stroke width to your desired value.
#8 – Black and White Reveal Preloader (Works Better for Black and White)
- dm-preloader-8 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-8-overlay is the CSS class of the white color container. You can obviously switch colors.
- dm-preloader-8-image is the CSS class of the image widget where we used our logo.
- dm-preloader-8-text is the CSS class of the heading widget, make the HTML tag to p.
- dm-preloader-counter-8 is the CSS class of the counter heading widget.
#9 – Horizontal Image Reveals Preloader
- dm-preloader-9 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-9-color is the CSS class of the 2nd color container, make sure to give it position absolute, place it at top or bottom and set height to 0vh as we increase height via our animation later.
- dm-preloader-counter-9 is the CSS class of the heading widget. (Set HTML tag as p)
- dm-preloader-9-image is the CSS class of the images. Make sure to give it position absolute and play with offset(%), rotate to create a nice layout.
#10 – Stacking Image Preloader
- dm-preloader-10 is the CSS class of the preloader container. Make its height to 100dvh for better responsiveness. (In height, instead of px, switch it to pen icon and type 100dvh manually).
- dm-preloader-10-color is the CSS class of the 2nd color container, make sure to give it position absolute, place it at top or bottom and set height to 0vh as we increase height via our animation later.
- dm-preloader-counter-10 is the CSS class of the heading widget. (Set HTML tag as p)
- dm-preloader-10-image is the CSS class of the images. Make sure to give it position absolute.