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Interactive Images Between Text – Elementor & CSS

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Images Between Text with hover effect – Elementor and CSS

Inspired by Giuligartner’s website, where I saw a simple but cool design with images between text that scaled on hover, I decided to create this video tutorial. It provided more information and connection with images than to have just text. It is pretty simple with just code but I wanted to show you can use Elementor widget too to create it for faster approach and specially for people who don’t code. The best part, we can add any hover effect we want and any number of images. So, watch the tutorial above to understand it better.

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Scale Effect on Hover for Images between Text

  1. dm-text-images is the CSS for the images. To add images between text, add below img src HTML with appropriate image location url.
  2. In dm-text-images, simply change height and width to your desired image size.
  3. in dm-text-images:hover, we have used scale effect to scale image on hover. Choose your own scale value or different hover effect if needed.
  4. To have different hover effects for each image, don’t use above(3) point and add extra CSS class to img src code(refer above video if you’re not familiar with CSS).
  5. For different values for tablet and mobile, simply change the values for the CSS classes in @media(max-width:1024px) & @media(max-width:767px).
  6. If you wish to add H tags then simply add <h2> Below HTML Here </h2> and then use CSS to customize the H tags font. Refer video above for better understanding.
<img decoding="async" class="dm-text-images" src="" />
<img decoding="async" class="dm-text-images" src="" />
<img decoding="async" class="dm-text-images" src="" />

    .dm-text-images {
        height: 60px !important;
        width: 60px !important;
        transition: scale 0.3s;
        object-fit: contain;
    .dm-text-images:hover {
    /*Tablet Settings*/
    @media(max-width:1024px) {
    .dm-text-images {
        height: 60px !important;
        width: 60px !important;
        transition: scale 0.3s;
    .dm-text-images:hover {
    /*Mobile Settings*/
    @media(max-width:767px) {
    .dm-text-images {
        height: 60px !important;
        width: 60px !important;
        transition: scale 0.3s;
    .dm-text-images:hover {


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