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Create Draggable Element with Elementor Free and GSAP – Tutorial

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Create any Element Draggable with GSAP

With this GSAP code, you can simply make anything draggable and also define a bounding box so that the element cannot be dragged outside it.
  1. In below code, we add transition:none as Elementor adds transition:all to all elements by default and that messes up with GSAP code.
  2. In Draggable.create(‘.ADD-CLASS-NAME-HERE‘), we add the class name of the element that should be draggable.
  3. in bounds: ‘.ADD-BOUNDING-CLASS-NAME, we add the class of the container that will act as a bounding box for the draggable container. This way the draggable element cannot be dragged outside the bounding container.
  4. We also add script src to reference and run GSAP library and its draggable library to our website.
					<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
    .dm-drag-element {
        transition: none !important;


Draggable.create(".dm-drag-element", {
    bounds: ".dm-drag-container"

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